Tuesday, December 17, 2013

a lesson learned

So I work in  a shoe store and this older lady was looking at boots and just trying them on. she was a very sweet old lady calling myself and my coworker "hun" This mother came in who was very urgent about buying a pair of shoes so she can be a gold member with us. Her two year old daughter went running off and stayed in the kids aisle. The mother was all done checking out and the daughter would not come. The mother then proceeds to yell at her daughter, "IF YOU DON'T GET OVER HERE NOW, I'M LEAVING AND THE COPS WILL GET YOU AND PUT YOU IN OCS, DO YOU WANT THAT?" The daughter then cries and runs to her mommy and they leave. It was very odd to think that a two year old knows about OCS. (office of child services) The older lady scoffed and said that the mother needs medical attention. The lady tells me that she lost her daughter when she wasn't too much older than the little girl that was just in here. I replied to her with sorrow and empathy, "I guess you don't know what you have until it's gone."

I learned later that day that I need to listen to my own proverb. I almost lost my beautiful wife. She didn't get into a life threatening situation or anything but I said something stupid. I said something that hurt her bad. I thought she was going to leave me. I didn't say something simple like accidentally call her fat, which she is anything but she is this little Filipina. I insulted her womanhood. I insulted her as my wife. I insulted myself for saying that to her. I don't think I have ever been so stupid in my entire life. I went through today not eating and drinking lots of water to calm down the butterflies in my tummy. She came and had lunch with me and I couldn't look at her with out having my eyes fill up with tears. She is the most beautiful thing on this earth I have ever seen. I have seen some pretty amazing stuff but nothing can compare to her. I feel guilty though, I hurt her bad. I hurt her and she is so prideful and bottled up that she won't talk to me about it. I guess that is her decision though not mine. If she wants to talk I'll be there for her.

She really is beautiful. I love bragging about her.

She's the beautiful one with the big lips and I'm the cheesy smile one.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

With Gorilla Gone...

I love the quotes from ishmael.

I love the artistic view of it and the thought process and i love the art accompaniment 

It questions how strong you really are

In Ishmael, he had his teacher for the longest time 

He knew that he could ask his teacher questions all the time

and if anything went wrong his teacher would be there for him

Then his teacher leaves him 

What now?

What do you do?

Who do you ask?

You dont have all the answers

Why did your teacher leave you?

Ishmael left because he didnt want to be a prophet

He didnt want to be that mentor 

He wanted the main character to be the main character of his life and Ishmael didnt want to be a part of it

He didnt want to be a prophet or a God

He just wanted to unblind the blind

Now you are the teacher and the main character.......
What do you do now that you're alone?


This image came up when I was google imaging pictures of ishmael.
I will assume that everyone has seen the movie where this came from :)
I watched this movie when I was like 8 or so, I was such a tomboy and daddy's little girl.
I watched chucky and wasnt scared but I watched this movie, Matrix and couldn't sleep well for a while.
It scared me so much.
to think
to think
to question everything that i know is true
I think some of daniel quinn's books do the same thing.
question reality and provokes you to think and question life.
If you knew the "way of the human being" or "the way to live" would you "take the pill" and learn the correct way?
See all the faults in society
See everything that you thought meant so much to you end up to be nothing?
Would you eat from the tree of knowledge?
The red pill or the blue pill
There is no going back when you have this knowledge 
you simply cannot unsee what has been seen.

would you be the character "B" from the Daniel Quinn's, "the story of B"?
It is a little frightening to save the world 
To see everything for the first time
you would be a baby again learning the world all over again

Could you be that brave?

Monday, April 22, 2013


I love the cello and the guitar.

I love French and other foreign languages.

I really wish that we were required to learn another language, music, and art to graduate.

I really wanted to do all those things and i will do all those things when I get time and money to do it.


All these stupid classes that have no application in real life.

A squared + B squared = C squared

I never learned what the origin of that was.

Don't get me wrong I absolutely love math...

But i wanna learn it if its applicable not just because you are making me learn it

Oh guess what?

I know Hypotenuse information

That I have no idea how i could use it in real life because no one has ever told me how i am supposed to use it besides in a book and worksheet.

It'd be so cool to use that and measure a mountain or something cool like that but noo.....just worksheets and stuff in a book.


I'm just reduced to a useless calculator.....

I have all these formulas but i cannot use them i can just regurgitate it

Earth DAY

Today in Honors we talked about earth day!
How many people actually knew it was earth day today?
I'll be honest I didn't.
Today a colleague mentioned that earth day in her opinion, is like Valentine's day, It's a day to boost your ego for doing something good for one day out of the year. 

When in reality 

It's something you should be doing it everyday.

You should do something good for your loved one and you should do something good for the earth everyday, not just on holidays.

Appreciate what you have now in front of you, the earth.

Don't just recycle your bottled soda too boost your ego and make you feel good that you did one little thing for the earth in the whole year.

"You did so good recycling that can!" you are really a world changer today.

Then the next day you just throw your can away not recycle it :P

That's like giving your wife flowers and then beating her the next day.

Do good all year not just one day a year.

Be a world changer not a diaper changer hehe

Honestly, Who wants to live in a nasty world full of.....ya you get the point

So don't be egotistical and just be green for today, be green as much as you can, 

In the end it will be worth it, that much i know.

Maybe, you'll start a chain reaction and everyone recycles

who knows?

you could be the one to save the world!

Pay it Forward

I assume that most people have heard of this movie or at least understand the concept of it?
If you don't, here is the basic principle you do one good thing to three people and then those three people go on and do good to three people. It's a giant chain reaction that can goes on forever! 

I thought it was just in movies but when I was getting coffee the other day with my girlfriend the car in front of us paid for our coffee! We then use this principle to spread ideas.
As well as paying for other peoples coffee....that's always nice.

Daniel Quinn mentioned something like this in his book.

Tell ten people and those ten people will tell ten people and pretty soon you have a new mindset in a whole set of old way thinking people.

So go and tell ten people about this book.

Go pay for someones coffee

Go pass on goodness and new ways of thinking

Go change the world

Friday, April 19, 2013


So we send our kids to school in hopes that they receive a higher education to get good jobs to provide for their future families.
What has happened now is devastating. Kids get into trouble for breaking up a fight, get patted down before they go into school, have no trust and no privileges.
What has happened to us?
When was the last time the majority of kids wanted to go to school?
If most kids don't want to go to school, something is wrong.
I believe that most people on the inside want to be the best that they can be, in education, physical, life, everything!
Seriously, No Child Left Behind?
The idea is great but so was communist manifesto.
It's an idea that can never truly come into existence.
If some kids aren't getting subjects, get more teachers to teach them, so others can move on.
Why aren't there more teachers to help teach kids individually?
What happened to going outside?
Kids being kids?
Kids learning?

How can we change this?
How can we get our kids to learn and want to learn again?
WE need to learn to want to learn again.