The core of this topic isn't saving the world but do people want to save the world do they care that they are sucked into a mediocre type of life style. that people are trapped in a cage that they don't even know about or seem to care. Am I the only one that doesn't like the life style that American's have? I love the country I live in, I love the freedom of religion, and speech and equality. However, something seems very wrong. Are we supposed to live this way? Were we meant to succeed far beyond any other culture? In being so ahead we have seemed to crush every other type of lifestyle there is. What happened to the Indian gatherers, the nomadic people, the indigenous way of life? I'm not saying that I want to go back to that life style, or that it's the only way to live. I'm saying that we were not meant to be the rulers of the world and kill off everyone else. we killed the rain forests, and we killed off entire species. I'm not a hippie tree huger type of person but I do feel wrong.
The type of wrong like in wally. I could see us going that far. So filled up in our own mess and over taken the world that we have to move away, maybe not to space. I do see people killing off lots of other races for more space though. "Oh, Africa I am very sorry but we have to strip you of your beautiful territory so we can grow food there and put our trash there because everyone in America with there over abundance in excess Superbowl gear had no where else to put it so we are dumping our crap on you." We then go on and keep with our mentality that everything on earth is ours to take. We can kill who we want, destroy whatever we need, and there is nothing wrong with that.
We are trapped in our minds. We don't see that the way we are living is bad. We don't seem to care. Just as long as we pay the rent and reproduce, everything is okay.If You Could Save The World, Would You?
A great entry, Jackie. Nice. Powerful stuff here.