Monday, April 15, 2013


Alaska is so beautiful this time of year. I have no idea why people seem to hate it so much.
True it's kind of muddy and smelly, but first thing in the morning it is absolutely beautiful!
What saddens me is that there are about 700,000 (Census Bureau) people in Alaska.
How many people appreciate, respect, and understand this land that we live in?
I would bet only about less than ten percent of people in Alaska go outside and enjoy the land.
This place is so majestic and serene and so many people don't see that about it.

Is not that sunset just amazing? Taken at about 8 o'clock in the morning a couple of days ago. 
Is there anybody still that takes the time to go on a walk outside?
Not on a treadmill that doesn't count. 
Outside in the sun, snow, dirt, and all that wonderful stuff. 
No wonder why so many people in Alaska are obese!
We aren't living like we were originally supposed to live...outside!

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