Friday, March 1, 2013


Imagine a world, where Hitler didn't die and that he did succeed in taking over the world. To some people this image above is offensive to look at, to others it may bring a certain type of pain, and some people don't even care about this image.

What would the world look like if Hitler took over? 
would people even bother telling the Holocaust a different way other than the winner stand point?
Hitler would be the hero of all time
He would be all of history and it would be as if it is good
society would conform and there would be no other that go against Hitler because he is a hero

In Ishmael the protagonist of the story took a philosophy class and he wrote a story that Hitler took over the world and all was good. Some person in the story felt like he was being lied to and that is how he ended his paper. Was the paper he wrote too far fetched or is it something we as a society can relate to? In fact, did something like that, happen to us? Have we been lied to and made to think that this is the right way to live because this is the only way to live? I think that our Hitler took over our entire nations minds and created a monstrosity that we are okay with.

your cousin

Walking through the woods a person would expect to find picturesque trees, cute little bunny rabbits, some forest brush and scrub, and maybe even a cute little squirrel. what a person wouldn't expect to find however is a big screeching, hairy, non showering big foot. A clarification, BIG FOOT, commonly referred to as Sasquatch and closely related to the Yeti. Not an average Joe or Jane with big feet but a supposedly mythical creature. Some people believe he's real, some people even swear they have real footage of the stinky, hairy monster of a cousin. Others think that bigfoot is a fairy tale like santa clause or the tooth fairy. Whatever people believe they should take into consideration the history of this world. something grandparents might know...

or you know...the Hobbit!!!! LITTLE ITTY BITTY people :)

So in fact, the hobbit was a mythical creature until recently because of obtained knowledge. so if this is the case maybe it's applicable to big foot. maybe he's real we just do not have enough evidence to support it yet. or maybe the government has covered it up just to piss off the people that have spotted it.

either or, just because we dont have enough facts to support an idea doesnt mean its not real or possible. so go out there and find out and do the supposed "impossible"